Museum Creators
30 May

One of the things I have found that students enjoy most of the History classes is the possibility is visiting a museum. I believe museums have a unique charm because they allow you to "live" the history with your own experience and with your five senses; it is like they transport you back in time. I mean, wouldn't it be incredible to go back in time during World War II and understand with your own eyes why this war had such an impact on humanity? And therefore, we are still learning about tolerance, diversity, demagogy due to the causes and consequences of WWII.

Due to the pandemic, I was very upset   I wouldn't be able to take my students to the Museum of Memoria y Tolerancia in Mexico City or any other museum. So I thought: "If I can't take my students to museums, I will bring the museums to them." And that's what we did.  For the subject of Global Conflicts of the XX century, students of the 4th semester had to create their museums as the final project of the first partial. 

Students created a virtual museum about the period between wars. They displayed relevant information about the topic, using multimedia material like videos, audios, or any other they find; each topic had to be described or explained. Each team had to present their museum by recording a virtual tour as they were the museum guides. And let me tell you, the results were terrific. 

I want to say, and I am proud of my students, their creativity has no limits. Their knowledge and reflection are unbelievable. So, click on the following links and let your mind be blown by these museums and their excellent museum guides and for your information make sure to click on every button of the presentation because you might find several surprises.